Preventing Food Poisoning at Home

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, February 5, 2013 0 comments
Food poisoning, which will also lead to more serious illness caused by food are known in medical terms as a gastrointestinal disorder, which is caused by eating contaminated food.
Often, food poisoning occur because the food is not handled properly, it is not cooked properly, or not stored properly. Well, here are some tips that can help you reduce the chances of food poisoning.

Wash hands, cooking utensils and cutlery on a regular basis, and prior to use. You often hear instead, maintain and use cooking equipment and utensils are clean to prevent contamination - transfer of harmful bacteria from one surface to the other surface.
In the event of the spread of harmful bacteria in your hands, cooking utensils and cutlery, you stand a greater chance to absorb those microorganisms and becoming ill.
So, wash your hands and family with warm water and soap before and after preparing food, especially after handling raw beef, chicken, fish, shellfish, or eggs. Then, use hot water and soap to wash cooking utensils and cutlery used.

When shopping, separate raw foods with food and other groceries. This prevents cross-contamination from one food to another. Here's a guide:
  • Separate the meat and poultry products from the rest of your groceries.
  • Wrap raw meat tightly in order to leaking juices will not contaminate other foods.
  • Use separate cutting boards for raw meat and ready to eat foods, such as bread and vegetables.
  • Use different plates for raw meat and foods that have been cooked.

Cook all your food until completely cooked! Remember, bacteria-contaminated foods usually look and smell normal normal too. The best way to know if meat, poultry, or eggs are thoroughly cooked is to use a food thermometer.
With a thermometer, you can find out for sure if you cook the food has reached a temperature sufficient to kill bacteria. You can kill harmful organisms in almost all dishes when cooked at temperatures between 60-82 degrees Celsius.

Harmful bacteria can reproduce rapidly when food is not properly stored in the refrigerator. Refrigerate or freeze perishable foods within two hours after purchase.
If the room temperature is above 90 degrees F, refrigerate perishable foods within 1 hour after purchase. Freeze beef, chicken, fish, and shellfish if you plan to eat it within two days. Freeze beef, chicken, or pork within 3-5 days.

Bacteria can reproduce rapidly in beef, chicken, and fish at room temperature. So, remove the defrost food safely by using one of the methods below:
  • In the refrigerator. Tightly wrap the beef, chicken, and fish so that water does not drip on other food. Once defrosted, use beef, chicken, and fish within 1-2 days.
  • In the microwave. Use the defrost or set the position to defrost completely. When the beef, chicken, or fish is in pieces, separate them during the thawing process to ensure clot ice disappeared, and cook the meat immediately after thawing .
  • In cold water. Soak the sealed food in cold water and change the water every 30 minutes. Alternatively, place the sealed food under cold running water. Immediately cook the food, after thawing.

Harmful bacteria can grow rapidly when prepared food is left with no heating or cooling, especially if you have a party buffet or a garden party. Here are some tips for preparing and providing food safe:
  • Discard leftovers stored at room temperature for more than 2 hours or in hot weather for more than 1 hour.
  • If cold food should be left for more than 2 hours, put ice in the bottom of the food had to keep them cool. Replace ice as it melts.
  • If hot food must be kept for more than 2 hours, use a heater at the bottom of the food had to keep it hot.

If you are not sure of the food you will eat has been prepared, served or stored safely, discard it. Table scraps are left too long at room temperature can contain bacteria or toxin that is not easy to die, despite being cooked.
Do not taste food that you're unsure about whether or not! You should throw it. Even if it looks and smells fine, it may not be safe to eat.

Food poisoning is very dangerous, especially for children, pregnant women and their fetuses, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. They have a risk of serious health problems from food poisoning and had to take extra precautions to avoid the following foods:
  • The beef and chicken meat Raw or undercooked.
  • Fish and shellfish raw or undercooked.
  • Eggs and raw or undercooked foods. Or, foods containing eggs, raw food or undercooked.
  • Some raw vegetables such as bean sprouts, green beans, and turnips raw.
  • Juice and apple juice are not sterile.
  • Dairy products are not sterile.
  • Cheese that is not sterile.
  • Fast food or sandwich meat that is not cooked.

And as a form of prevention of food poisoning, the point is to keep hot foods stay hot, keep cold food cool, and most important is to maintain hygiene, especially hand. If you follow these basic rules, you are less likely to be food poisoning.

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Title: Preventing Food Poisoning at Home
Posted by Unknown
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