Knowing Chiropractic, Disease Missing Thanks to the Massage

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, March 5, 2013 6 comments
The central nervous system regulate every organ system, via nerve cables protected by spine. Spine is sort of substations for 31 pairs of nerves. "These nerves exit through small openings in the spine to various muscles, organs, and even the skin tissue," said Dr.. Anthony K. Dawson, DC Chiropractic Clinic in Indonesia.

The spine is composed of 24 bones (vertebrae) separated by pads respectively, and are connected with 12 pairs of ribs and hundreds of ligaments and muscle tissue. If there is subluxation (spinal shift), then the nervous system will wound and energy flow to the organ is interrupted. Because of the complexity of the arrangement of the spine, even normal movement of the spine can also cause interference. "For example, fell, lifting weights, movement on one side are repeated, wrong body posture can interfere with the mechanism of the spine," said the doctor, usually called Tony.

If the bearing outlet nerves healthy and good, then the entire system will work fine too. Doctor graduates of Palmer College of Chiropractic, the U.S. is continuing, chiropractic helps restore movement and position of the spine is not functioning properly. "Chiropractic reduces interference to the nervous system with special care to improve the function and structure," he continued.

Regular Checks
The inventor of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer (U.S.), first time make adjustments to people with a hearing loss (deafness) due to a neck injury, 1895. Before the adjustment, the examination to determine the patient's medical history. "Did you ever have an accident, how the pattern of his life, including diet and exercise," says Tony.

In addition to medical history, also check posture, bone specific analysis, thermography, and others. "X-rays are also done, not only to determine the condition and composition of spinal alignment, but also to help detect the possible presence of other diseases that are hidden," explains Tony.

Tony guarantee chiropractic is very safe, even for pregnant women and children. "Prior to adjustment, we check first . Only that should not be dealt with are people who have severe bone cancer," Tony said, adding, only 5-10 percent of patients who come in without complaint. "The rest is definitely the complaints."

According to Tony, the habit went to the doctor after a complaint is wrong. "Let's not wait until the disease came. Could be a small problem, but after a long time would be great. Lot of people who came late, after a severe illness. Could be that people are not sick, but apparently spine tilt. Two weeks later the pain disappeared, but spine remains skewed. Lama-old damaged bearings and pinching the nerve. "

Adjustment first thing Tony did to relieve pain (relieve). "The next two weeks to stabilize the condition. Afterwards, rebuild the affected spinal area. Nah, so the movement of the spine has to be better, should be checked regularly. This will make optimal spinal function, thereby allowing the body to function well (wellness), "said Anthony.

Different Ways
In addition to west chiropractic as practiced by Tony, there is also a east chiropractic (China). "The goal is the same, just in a slightly different way of handling. Way to disconnect the pressure on the nerve is different, no nonsense crick. We usually do a light massage to relax the muscles first," said dr. (TCM) Lee Chen Tung of Clinical Shanghai, Jakarta.According Lee, the purpose of chiropractic is to normalize and balance the spine, with the release pressure on the nerves in the spine. "We believe that all diseases related to nerves in the spine," said Lee, who started introducing chiropractic in Indonesia since 1999.

lHampir all spinal nerves are on and about 70-80% of illnesses or complaints generally come from problems in the spine. "All the organs of the body have a control on the nerves located in the spinal cord. If a nerve is depressed, the surrounding area was definitely nervous," he continued. For example, people are often bent, must have had a problem in the waist. He also would have had problems in the back, or tightness in the chest, because his muscles are constantly interested. The slope of the segment of the spine can result in nervous system function and chaos making organ in the body so it is not healthy.

Disease or disorder that can be treated with chiropractic most nerve-related, ranging from headaches, migraines, back pain, ulcers, asthma, stuttering, pain, squeezed nerve, to menstrual pain. "Menstrual pain occurs due to impaired blood circulation due to impaired nerve. We fix the nerves associated with the area around the stomach to release the pressure," said Lee.

Treatment or therapy is done depends complaint. "If you can handle a headache fast, painless and highly effective," said Lee. The first one is to see the movement of patients, adjusted for complaints he made. "From the movement will be seen, where the disturbed area. From there we're looking to do. Example, lumbago. Having seen the movement of patients, we can expect the problem lies in which bone. If necessary, we are strengthened by x-rays to be more certain."

After the interference is found, treatment was carried out. Just like the west chiropractic, treatment with east chiropractic doest not seek crick sound. "We used to make the patient relax with a massage to relax the nerves. Goal that leaves no damage / injury in the muscle," said Lee, who combines chiropractic clinic in Shanghai with Chinese medicine, namely light therapy and acupuncture. "For continued care in the home, can be conducted by swimming and gymnastics with certain movements."

Just like Tony, Lee also stressed the need for chiropractic for healthy people. "To balance the organs to work properly. Human is not a robot. During our move, there must be a shift in the composition of the bone and nerves in the spine." If accumulated, the complaint will appear.

What is clear, he added, chiropractic no side effects. "Chiropractic is safe, really. Chiropractic also does not make the condition more and become heavy." Only, unlike Tony, Lee does not recommend people with osteoporosis to do with chiropractic treatment. "Also, people with skin diseases, pregnant women, and especially people with bone cancer. Children under six years are also not allowed."

Characteristic of Bone Problem
Is your spine healthy? Dr. Anthony K. Dawson gives a few things that could be a sign your spine problems.
  • Rapid wear shoes heels, but not the same between the right and the left.
  • Unable to breathe with relief.
  • The lower jaw often reads "click."
  • You often play the neck or spine or other joints to make a sound "crick."
  • Unable to rotate / move the head or waist from one side to the other with ease.
  • Easy lethargy / fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and susceptible to disease.
  • Feet pointed outward when walking.
  • One leg appears shorter than the next.
  • Bad posture.
  • Headache, pain in the spine, stiffness / pain in the muscles or joints.
  • Stiffness in the back and neck.
  • In general, often feel uncomfortable or unwell.

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Title: Knowing Chiropractic, Disease Missing Thanks to the Massage
Posted by Unknown
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