Working With Standing For Better Health

Posted by Unknown Saturday, January 5, 2013 4 comments

American Journal of Preventive Medicine published a new study in relation to a positive factor for health in the workplace. The team of researchers from the University of South Carolina proves that standing, or often in a position to stand in performing the work proved to be more healthy than sitting, as standing position will burn more calories.

But since in practice it is difficult to work in a standing position, then the experts advise to combine between sitting and standing while working. If your job requires you to sit still for a while, get up and move every hour. Stretch your limbs to keep the blood flowing.

One expert recommends to keep moving, despite being seated. Therefore, a half-hour walk is not able to replace the eight hours of sitting behind a desk. Therefore, the activity of the stretch in the back of the table proved more effective health care.

Instead, sit at work all day were found closely associated with heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes and other serious disorders. The sitting position for long hours also suspected cause spinal problems and joint disorders in the long run. (Shine)

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Title: Working With Standing For Better Health
Posted by Unknown
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