Unhealthy If Sleep With Mouth Open

Posted by Unknown Sunday, January 13, 2013 0 comments

Sleep health experts from the Medistra Hospital, Dr. Rimawati Tedjasukmana, SPS, RPSGT, said that sleeping with an open mouth is a sign of the airway that is not smooth. The lungs are deprived of oxygen, so the mouth would open in order to get more air to enter. But when you wake up, your mouth will feel dry because the whole night was not close.

This conditions can make the airway obstructed or is not smooth because the muscles around the airways become narrow. On extremes conditions, can cause stop breathing during sleep (sleep apnea), that if it is severe can happen up to 150 times a night. Stop breathing during sleep does not trigger sudden death, because if the lungs are so deprived of oxygen, person will wake up by itself. But in the long term, this condition is very disturbing sleep quality and reduce productivity.

Not only that, sleeping with your mouth open is associated with various chronic diseases including triggers insulin resistance or impaired function so it will increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, and in the early stages of mouth gets dry when I wake up, sleepy during the day, tired, and often dizzy head. (DetikHealth)

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Title: Unhealthy If Sleep With Mouth Open
Posted by Unknown
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