Sunscreen Affect Children’s Intelligence?
Monday, January 28, 2013
Investigating global warming and the effect of exposure to sunlight can affect health, no wonder some quarters began questioning the positive benefits of sunlight as a panacea.
Given the understanding all along that vitamin D obtained from sunlight in the morning, the group of researchers to review the relationship between exposure to the morning sun with health. In fact the study also sought to prove the alleged link between high levels of vitamin D and cognitive function in adults.
The researchers found that children with higher levels of vitamin D3 are higher does not have a good academic record. While children with higher levels of vitamin D2 showed poorer academic achievement. Thus, found no association between vitamin D levels and academic achievement in children. Perhaps the benefits of vitamin D in adult cognitive function did not appear until later in life.
The study authors stated that protecting children from exposure to sunlight will protect against skin damage and skin cancer and are unlikely to have adverse effects on academic performance. The research was published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (thedoctorwillseeyounow)
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Title: Sunscreen Affect Children’s Intelligence?
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